Snow Removal Policy
We are on the city’s plowing schedule for neighborhoods during normal snowfall events.
If we have excess snowfall (determination to be made by Colony Board members), and the city can’t get to us as they are overwhelmed, this policy will be activated and a Board member will contact our contractor to arrange for plowing the streets and interested resident driveways.
Once this policy has been activated:
Residents can call to arrange to have their driveways plowed (approximately $50-$60 each).
Please note that those who call to make reservations are served on a first come – first served basis.
We all benefit from using the same contractor, because he will give us a break for plowing our common roads if the city cannot get to us in a timely way.
The cost to the Colony Neighborhood Association for plowing our streets in the old Colony will be determined by how many resident driveways get plowed. Please remember that this plowing expense is NOT included in our regular budget - this is an instance where our reserve fund will be utilized for the benefit of all.
No driveways plowed - $500 to plow Colony streets
10 driveways plowed - $300 to plow Colony streets
20 driveways plowed - $150 to plow Colony streets
30 driveways plowed - No charge to plow Colony streets
We will send out an email during snowfall events to let you know whether the policy has been activated or not. If you are interested in using this program, please call Matt Hill, our current contractor, at 859-221-7563 or email him at mztt.hill@gmail.com. Also, please let the President know by email, phone, or text if you have used his services so we can keep track of the discount that would be due us.
Jerry Weisenfluh: JerryWeisenfluh@gmail.com or text 859-233-3317
Lastly, PLEASE if you don’t have a snow-worthy vehicle, please don’t venture out and risk blocking the roads. If you have a medical emergency, call 911. If you have a non-medical emergency that you need to either get out, or need something brought in, please contact Jerry at 859-233-3317 and he will try to make arrangements for assistance.
Stay warm and safe!
The Colony Neighborhood Board